Christians serve a God like no other. He is without compromise, He is all knowing  and He is never wrong. Yet God does not,  just forcefully make us do things His way He seems to make opportunities available to us and then we must seize or take Him up on those opportunities.  Jesus told those fishermen to “follow Me”.

It was an opportunity, they had to seize it. If they had done nothing it would have passed them by. Jesus Christ is the same today and everyday. Lets look at a verse together:


“Much food is in the fallow ground of the poor, And for lack of justice there is waste.”Proverbs 13:23

God speaking through a very wealthy King Solomon records this great verse concerning prosperity but few people understand it. “Much food is in the fallow ground”, Fallow ground is land you own, it’s your possession. “And for lack of justice there is waste”, the word justice here refers to judgement or decision making, it’s not talking here about a bribe or corrupt legal system. It’s talking about a person whose judgment or we might say depth perception is wrong. When we put it all together it saying “Much of what you need is laying in the things you already have but you are not using.” In the margin of my Bible the word “waste” is literally “there is what is swept away”. This same thing is true concerning our individual ministry positions for both the Ministry of Helps and the once who are the Five fold or Priest.

In Samuel chapters 2 and 3 we have the story of young Samuel. His Mother was barren but God healed her, out of gratitude she brought the boy to the temple and gave him there to work for God the days of his life and be a help. In the SAME temple is the High Priest Eli, he has sons also, Hophni and Phineas. (Strange names by today’s standards) In this group of three Samuel honors the Lord, but the other two disobey God.


“And the child Samuel grew in stature, and in favor both with the LORD and men.”1 Samuel 2:26


“Now Eli was very old; and he heard everything his sons did to all Israel, and how they lay with the women who assembled at the door of the tabernacle of meeting.”1 Samuel 2:22

Later on in Chapter 3 The Lord decides to remove Eli with his sons and replace them with Samuel (1Sam 3:11-19). Finally we read this words:


“So Samuel grew, and the LORD was with him and let none of his words fall to the ground.  20 And all Israel from Dan to Beersheba knew that Samuel had been established as a prophet of the LORD.”1 Samuel 3:19

So, sitting in the SAME church with the SAME Book of the law (Bible) one person seizes his opportunity and another person waste there opportunity. One group is remove and another promoted, same church, same book, same people, same offerings, she worship, same God. Hoping and Phineas wasted there opportunity and it was swept away, Samuel obeys God and seizes his opportunity and is promoted. Lets look at the New Testament.

Acts 6:1-8 The New Testament church is growing, Peter got 3000 added to thee church in Acts 2 and they are beginning to take off. In the church are widows who are not like American widows, there is no social service or financial help for the poor from the Government, the church is daily handing out benevolence. a group is responsible for this who continually ignore certain women. The news comes to the Apostles and they replace the entire group. They don’t seem to pray about it, council with them, get “both sides” or anything. They fire them. An new group is brought in and one of them is Stephen. They do such a great job that we have this result:


“Then the word of God spread, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests were obedient to the faith.”Acts 6:7

But lets look and one more verse:


“And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and signs among the people.”Acts 6:8

I have a question, are you telling me that in the same church one group is removed because they make light of there God given opportunity but another group comes in and seizes there opportunity and God blesses them? That is exactly what happened and it is till happening today! Stephen got so blessed God began to use him for healing miracles! So, sitting in the SAME church, hearing the SAME sermon, with the SAME widows and the SAME songs and giving in the SAME offerings one group has there opportunity ‘swept away’ and another man flows in miracles, signs and wonders!!

I have seen the same thing in my life. I was given an “opportunity” one day to work in the helps ministry of my church. Other people had worked there before me. They left and said God wasn’t in on it but I found God there. I would come in early and lay under neath my desk and pray each morning and God began to visit me and help me. Where they said there was no life, I found the life and power of God by seizing my Spiritual opportunity…. and you can do the same!

Ray Bensch

Ray Bensch


Ray Bensch founded Many Waters International Ministries in September of 2004 after 19 years of discipleship, training and waiting on God. Ray was born again in the summer of 1985, a few months later the Lord Jesus visited Ray during an afternoon Bible study and spoke to his heart saying “I want you to teach”. From that day until September of 2004 he worked and waited on the Lord in order to prepare himself as a gospel minister.

Ray is a college graduate, earning his BS from Central Michigan University. He has completed three years of Bible training at Supernatural Ministries Training Institute (SMTI) in Midland, MI. He has been an ordained minister since 1993 and has traveled to numerous local churches in and out of the United States teaching the word of God.

Ray is known for his heart to serve in the ministry of helps and worked on the staff of his Pastor, Dr. Mark Barclay for over 13 years.

He is born again, Spirit filled and ready to be used “in season and out” in order to teach believers how to get involved in what the Lord is doing today.

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