Dr. Terry L. Mize
Over 47 years ago, Terry began his ministry in the jungles of Panama, bringing the Gospel to a primitive tribe. In 1969, he and his bride Jackie were married and spent several years in Mexico before God began to reveal to them that to reach the world, as He had commanded, they had to move back to the U.S. and begin to travel to many nations.
Now, Terry Mize Ministries has preached the Gospel on six continents and is heavily involved all over the world in places such as Romania, Ukraine, India, Zimbabwe, Thailand, Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, and always Terry’s “first love,” Mexico.
Terry and Jackie are both best-selling authors. Terry wrote “More Than Conquerors,” which includes the much-told “Hitchhiker Story,” and Jackie’s legacy can be witnessed through the countless testimonies from her book, “Supernatural Childbirth.”
Out of Terry and Jackie’s love for the orphans they encounter in their travels, they established the Jackie Mize International Children’ s Foundation in 2000, through which they support children’s homes in India and Romania, and provide humanitarian relief where it is urgently needed.
In 2013, Terry’s beloved wife Jackie passed away and he has since remarried. Renee Garner Mize is a powerful woman of the Word, a prolific Bible teacher and a blessing to the Mize family. With nearly 40 years of experience in ministry of her own, she and her late husband Dean have been close friends of the family for decades. As Dean and Jackie both went to Heaven, it seemed only natural that Terry and Renee would join forces. They have hit the ground running and are joyfully doing God’s work together.
Visit Terry Mize’s Website at: TerryMizeMinistries.org